How to feel inspired, even when you feel totally disconnected.

Hey, Fabulous!

Have you ever felt obligated to work in front of your computer with zero motivation? 


You've chosen your path, and you´re doing what you feel it´s your purpose.

But suddenly one day you wake up with a mix of both, guilt for not feeling 100% motivated after all you´ve done to make this happen AND a total disconnection with the excitement that kept you going a few days ago.

Have you ever had that feeling? 

Well, I have, and let me tell you, now I´m becoming super familiar with it, to the point that, now, instead of resisting it, I acknowledge it and I learn from it.


Sometimes we feel out of alignment with our purpose, and that makes us lose all kinds of inspiration, that´s a fact.

We feel lost and with zero energies to spend a whole day in front of our computer changing the world, that's another fact.

And then, when it comes to your family/friends time, you're just thinking of what you haven't done, and how much time you've wasted in front of your computer.
Instead of being 100% present ENJOYING YOUR FREE TIME.
Sounds familiar?

Well, that´s what happened to me this week, and I was going to send an entirely different post - which by the way, I think you're going to love... I'll post it next week :) (about lipsticks and colors, yup!) - but I'm all about impulse and what comes from inside, as you know, and today it's all about finding your inspiration when you feel totally disconnected (in style ;).

These are the kind of thoughts that can go through your mind:
- Am I really good at this?
Your mind playing fun games, if you haven't given her enough work, that's what would do
- Do people actually care about what I do?
Again your mind, trying to protect you
- Do I even like to do this?

When we feel disconnected, this is a very typical one


- This is just too much; I won't be able to keep up with this
The little victim voice, oh, how tiring she can be...
- I need to buy sun cream for our holidays, and buy extra pants and look at my next biz trip tickets, diapers, and...

But it's also trying to protect you! Of course, multi-tasking!

- Blah, Blah, Blah....

Ok, what to do when this happens!?!?

Do WHATEVER feels fun for you!!!

That's it!!!

What did I do?

I went shopping with Mr. Tom (my 2-year-old) on Friyay; we had SO much fun!!
We bought a couple of things each and we had time to dance and play in the store with their music and their mirrors, (yes, we do that).


Did I plan for it?

Not really, I just went with the flow, and Tom was up for it.

But, if not, I'd have chosen any other thing the 2 of us enjoy doing,
that's why I decided to go to do one of the things that relaxes both of us the most after:

Enjoy the sea breese.

It was a beautiful day in Sydney, so that's what we did! (that's the image at the top)

After having such a fun day, I woke up on Saturday to devastating international news (again). 

You know, I'm all about signs, projecting positive vibes and appreciation; I look at those negative news as a sign to appreciate all the good, and focus on all the positive we have. I believe, doing that, we can all help to spread more love and honor all the innocent victims.

Sometimes, we focus so much on ourselves that we lose track of what really matters, and that causes pushing ourselves out of our path.

So I went to my garden, appreciated every single thing I have, which is a lot and:

I felt inspired to take some pictures of my outfit and share them with you on Instagram!!
(by the way, you can follow me on;)

Yes, that was my move, my inspired move, just like today's post!!

Now, I'm back on track, and once more I've learned new lessons to keep my inspiration coming back whenever I feel I don't have it anymore:

- It's ok to feel out of alignment sometimes, meaning, feeling like you don't have a purpose or wondering if you're good enough. It's usually a sign that you might need to take some time out of your computer.

- We're all here for a reason, and when we feel lost, the best thing to do it's just going with your gut and doing whatever feels fun. It's usually the right door!

- Whenever I need to find inspiration, get out, go for a walk and appreciate nature. Woods, sea, flowers in your house! anything! If you think about the amount of things that needed to take place for a flower to bloom, it really feels inspiring to me :) 


This was a relaxed weekend outfit I wore on Saturday. The ripped jeans make a simple outfit different and the sporty shoes, make it super comfy!
Pants: Zara
Shoes: Gola
Sweater: Sfera (Spain)
Jacket: Barbour

This type of outfit is one of the options I suggest as an alternative to yoga pants! :)

And now, it's your turn!: Have you ever felt in "grey zone" without any inspiration? What are your strategies to find your way out? I'd love hearing about it!! You can post your comment below.

One more thing, whenever you feel out of inspiration, try to remember this:



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