How I overcame my red dress insecurities, and why you should too!

Hey Gorgeous,

Have you ever bought a piece of clothing that you truly loved but you've never worn because of what others might say? 

Or maybe because, you think it'd make you feel so out of your comfort zone that you’d be looking for approval from others?

Or have you ever bought a dress that was part of your dream closet, but you didn’t know when you're going to wear it?

Well, I have! Let me tell you a story about my “unending cleavage, curve showing red dress”, that met all the A's to the Q's above.

I bought it 4 years ago in a little boutique in Boston, back when I was living in Toronto.

I was shopping with hubby Tomás, I saw the dress and decided to tried it on.
When I came out of the fitting room and looked at him, he had that sudden happy & surprised smile, we all like to motivate when wearing something.

Neither to say, I felt very self-conscious about my curves, but I said: Hey! Tomás loves the way it looks on you, so let’s give it a try. 

Deep down, I loved it too; but, I was some kind of embarrassed that I liked how it looked on me such a reveling dress. 
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, our mind and its tricky protective games ;)

After buying it, I had it in my closet in Toronto for quite a while, and I had no idea when I was going to wear it.

To start off, I put it in my suitcase when I went back home (Spain) for Christmas. I thought: "That’s perfect: Christmas, red dress. I’ll wear it!

Oh, I should mention that I bought a little piece of beautiful red lace in a fabric store in T.O. to make that unending “Hollywood-like cleavage” more wearable.

In Spain my mom, who knows how to sew,  would help me make my dress more "decent".
As I expected, my mom freaked out when she saw it, haha! 
I come from a very traditional Spanish family, and my mom is adorably conservative when it comes to showing flesh…

That mindset has naturally made an impact in the way I’ve dressed my whole life.
This red dress was definitely another step for me to get out of my comfort zone and stand for who I felt I was.

So, in case you’re wondering, no, I didn’t wear the dress back home.
Let me tell you, one thing is owning it; a very different one is to wear it with your mom looking at you all the time very worried because your boobies might pop up at some point, hahaha!

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Back in Toronto, my 30th birthday party was approaching… Guess what I decided to wear!? YESSSSS!!!!! I did it!!!!!! Put some Makeup & some courage ON and I did it!!!!

Now looking at those pics I think, Alma, what’s the big deal… And you might be thinking the same.

But Hey, it was a fitted dress and there was some cleavage there :P

My takeaways from that experience?

It felt truly amazing to step out of my comfort zone.

And yes, I know what colors look good on me, and yes, I know about personal image; BUT I’m a woman just like you, and I have my self-conscious thoughts too.

I can’t even tell you how great I felt when everybody told me how stunning I looked; at the end, it wasn’t about anybody else’s perceptions, it was about me feeling me in my most me state and having dared to put myself out there and actually enjoying it.

So, today, 3 years after that day, and with a little boy, I wore this dress again!

What was the occasion? My website Photo shoot!!!

I don’t have the pictures yet, and I should've probably waited to share this post with you. But I woke up and needed to tell you about it, cause if I feel the need to encourage you to push yourself to project who you really are, it’s not just because I think is cool, it’s because I've done it, and it really feels amazing. UPDATE: I have my new pictures!! :)

Although, I never said it was easy. That's one of the reasons I'm here, to make it easier for you!

All this story to tell you:


1. We only live once

At least in this lifetime anyway, it’s time for you to pull up that piece of clothing you’ve always wanted to wear because you feel connected to it, and you haven’t because of what people might say.

2. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great way to evolve and keep growing

Now, I’m not saying you need to go and buy the tiniest dress to experience growth, nope!
You know how you want to be perceived, follow your instincts.

That night I wanted to be perceived as an attractive and confident girl, happy of turning 30 and loving life! This time, for the photo shoot, I wanted to showcase all the amazing feelings of being successful and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Evolving towards our ideal personal image,
the one that has more of you and less of body image issues.

3. Own it!

Get out there and own your body, your personality and everything about you. The world is waiting for you to do it, we want you at your 100%!

And now,

I want to hear from you: Have you ever experienced something similar? Do you have a piece in your closet you super love, but you’re not wearing just because what others might say? Make sure you let me know about it below this post!

If you enjoyed this post, I’d very much appreciate if you share it with somebody that my need to have some extra inspiration to step out of their safe place and push it a little bit.

And if you enjoyed this article, you may want to subscribe to my fabulous newsletter to receive some exclusive tips from yours truly and to find out when I’m coming to your city.

Stay strong in your journey to Fabulousness in your life and your business!

Much love and light,

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P.S. In case you missed it. Here it's your tweetable :) "Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great way to evolve and keep growing"