My list to stop self-sabotaging thoughts

Hello fabulous!

Every time I go on a summer holiday I go through the same painful mind-game.


Especially now, being pregnant, when I'm even bigger than usual.

Every summer season I face the scary challenge of putting on a bikini.

It's a combination of both an act of courage for daring to get into those tiny pieces and an act of fear for not being brave enough to look in the mirror.

Always, secretly praying I don't run into someone so they don't see me in my swimwear.

Yes, I'm always telling you to love your body and honoring who you're, and yes, I do go through this same nightmare year after year, summer after summer, over and over.

The funny thing is, once I get to the pool or beach, I see people.

And that's what makes me feel alive again.

When wearing our clothes we're able to play with the magical visual illusion created with clothes, that makes us feel safe. But, when showing that much skin, we feel vulnerable, there are no clothes to keep us safe, it's just us, our body and our mind (and yes, a tiny piece of swimwear) in the world.

After going the first day to the beach, I realize about the same thing that I've been telling you about, and I won't stop telling you. How BEAUTIFUL we all are in our own way.

With our love handles, our cellulite, our beautiful bellies, and all.

There's no such thing as a perfect body, we are all perfect creations, and the sooner we internalize that believe, the sooner we'll start enjoying our holiday and/or summer season.

Don't get me wrong; it doesn't mean the "I'm fat" horrible thought won't come back. 

No, no, no, it means you'll be able to acknowledge the level of importance of that superficial thought in your life and you'll be able to analyze how much longer you want to allow that destructive and sabotaging thought in your mind.

So, here it's a list of 10 things we all know but nobody tells you enough to get over that tricky sabotaging mind game every summer:


1- Go to the beach and look, nobody's body is the same, not even the same as the ones you see on magazines. Guess what? Yours is also different; beautifully different.

2- Yes, that woman over there with 3 kids looks like a model, damn, her body looks great. That's ok; I see that too. But she is not YOU, and you know that. We all have our insecurities, and that's what makes us human :)

3- You're beautiful

4- A nice and healthy tan makes you feel and look even better, and you know it ;)

5- Choose a type of swimwear that makes you feel excited (soon a post on swimwear): choose a nice color, a shape that makes you feel good and a design that matches your personality.

6- You're ah-mazing

7- Stand up and look up, you'll only be able to think positive, be proud of who you've become.

8- Relaxxxxxxxxx, everybody is aware of their own bodies, they're not there to stare at you.

9- Be present, enjoy the water and the breeze. Be grateful.

10- You're FABULOUS!!


And after you've read this, keep it somewhere safe, so you can read it before your next beach holiday or summer season approaches, no matter where you are in the world 

And now, it's your turn, was this helpful? Did you have any aha! moments. It would be SUPER helpful for me to know your thoughts.


We all go through the same sabotaging thoughts when facing a bikini challenge, yet not all of us choose to get stuck in it, come on the bright side!

Much love and light,

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