The Alma Barrero Show Episode 2: 3 Reasons Why Buying Better Quality makes You Happier

Did you know buying better quality can actually make you happier?

Think about it,

How do you feel every time you buy a new sweater and 2 months later it looks so old, you can’t wear it anywhere outside of the house…

Or how do you feel when standing in front of the mirror trying on a pair of pants that feel like sandpaper...

Got it?

Ok, now picture how it would feel to spend an afternoon buying a beautiful sweater with nice details, that makes you feel like a million dollars and a pair of jeans that welcome your skin and your shape AND that you get to keep for let’s say… 5 years minimum!?

Can you imagine the amount of time, MONEY and energy you would save by just investing in the right pieces!?

Well, today I’m sharing with you on my BRAND NEW PODCAST(!?!? Did you hear!!!? Click here to subscribe!!! Soooo excited!)

3 Reasons Why Better Quality Makes You Happier (and Richer!!)

Episode 2.png

In this episode I’m sharing:

- How you can save A LOT of money, wearing clothes that you love.

- Why buying better quality helps preserve our planet.

- Why better quality doesn’t necessarily mean spending more.

- The one piece of clothing I bought 15 years ago and I still own and LOVE and cost me $50.

- How to know what pieces deserve your investment and how to tell they’re good quality.

After you listen to it, I’d love to know:

Are you a convert? What’s ONE thing you can do today to start spending money on clothes wisely and getting richer looking ah-mazing?


“You deserve to wear pieces that honour you and are aligned to the ideal version of yourself, so you are perfectly dressed to make a positive impact you came to do in this world”.

Sending you much love and style power,



P.S. Sharing is caring!!! If you think this episode can help your shopaholic friends…! Make sure you share it with them so you can